Student Loan Refinance

The Better Way to Repay

Take control of your student loan repayment! Refinance and consolidate your private and federal student loans (including PLUS loans) into one manageable loan, setting up one convenient payment and potentially lowering your rate.*

Current Rates

Student Loan Refi

Borrow up to $125,000

6.75% - 10.75%

Variable Rates (APR)

4.50% - 13.25%

Fixed Rates (APR)

5, 10, 15

Loan Term (Years)

Medical Degree Refi

Borrow up to $250,000

6.50% - 10.50%

Variable Rates (APR)

4.50% - 13.25%

Fixed Rates (APR)

5, 10, 15

Loan Term (Years)


Important Disclosures and Rate Details  |  Refinance Disclaimers  | Rates shown include a 0.25% discount for optional enrollment in automatic electronic payments.

See how much you could save! We know that everyone’s student loan situation is unique, and figuring out where to start can be tough. Use our Student Loan Refinance Calculator today.

Why refi with NIH Federal Credit Union?

When you refinance your student loans with us, you'll benefit from great rates, low fees, convenient repayment terms, and most importantly, a life-long relationship with a lender you can trust.


Competitive Rates

With rates likely on the rise - take advantage and refinance now.


Easy Application

Our application is quick and easy, providing an instant credit decision.


Personal Support

Our counselor offers 1:1 support for your refinancing questions.


Should I refinance my student loans?

Refinancing your student loans (such as private, federal, and PLUS) could help you lower your rate, adjust your payment, or pay them off sooner. Just remember, when you refinance federal student loans into a private refi loan, you'll lose access to any current or future federal benefits, such as potential debt cancellation or income-driven repayment options.

For more information, check out these helpful resources:

Student Loan Refinance – What to Know for 2025

A new year, new (lower) interest rates, and a new administration – what does it all mean for student loan repayment? Could now be the right time to refinance your student loans? Join us to learn more.

Register Now

* Subject to credit qualification and additional criteria, including graduating from an approved school.
† APR = Annual Percentage Rate
‡ Approved schools subject to change without notice.
